Cool Quote

"Along with great power, comes a great need to take a nap!" -Nico Di Angelo (Persy Jackson and the Olympians)

Sunday, December 25, 2011 again...

Hi its me again...gosh you must be getting tired of me...heh heh. Three posts in one day...that must be some kind of record...I just wanted to say that...the countdown to January 29 is on!! That is the one year anniversary of my blog...WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Celebrate good times COME ON!! Can't wait!!


MARGARET PETERSON HADDIX (the first ever written trailer!)

The Shadow Children

The Missing

Other books

All by Margaret Peterson Haddix.

All those children unable to put them down.

Staying up at night

To read a page more...

*music* (da dada da dada da dada da dada...dada..DAAAAADAAADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...da dada da dada da dada..margaret peterson haddix...awesome!)

-----end trailer------------------------------------------------------

Seriously her books are AWESOME! just finished reading: Double Identity...guess what it is...AWESOME! So i suggest you read her books today...please...think of the children...



Happy holidays to all! Hey there! Its Christmas day and i am blogging for the first time in what seems like ages. It probably has been ages. Anywhooo. I just felt like saying hey...and expressing my love for my Library Card. Oh Library Card! What would I do without you? Look! I wrote a song:

O LIBRARY CARD (to the tune of O Christmas Tree)

O Library card
O Library card
How lovely can you be?
O Library Card
O Library Card
Being so kind to me!
To give me books and DVD'S
And all that i feel like, please
O Library Card
O Library card
What would i do without you?
Sit on a chair
All lonely
Bored to death
By the TV
O Library Card
O Library Card!
How lovely can you be?
                                                           TADA!!!! CIAO!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Watchin Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince right now...woot woot! OOOH...SPOILER! Im at the part where Slughorn just gave Harry theoriginal memory thanks to Felix Felicis. WHAT'S A HORCRUX? everything falls feel bad for Malfoy though...I wonder what would have happened if Harry had befriended him in his first year. Would he be different? Would Harry be different? What of Hermione? Ron? What of the whole world? Hmm...OH now they're ready for lift off! Woosh!

"You need to shave my friend!" haha. Dumbledore:"I'm an old man!" Harry: "You look the same to me sir."

Other favourite scene:

Hermione: They're saying that Dumbledores know...old.
Harry: What! Thats rubbish he's old is he?
Ron: Like 150...

Sorry the quotes may be wrong...Anyway g2g gonna try to find the channel in HD.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Type A, type B, what type are you?

     I just found about type A and B personalities. If you have a type A personality you are, competitive, hostile, impatient, easlity irritated, aggressive, workaholic, like success. If you're type B you are, more relaxed, laid back, like peace and quiet, more "smell the roses" type of person. While you may catogerize yourself as one of the other, its actually better to be a mix. Say if you're totally type B. You may not hae enough drive, to succeed in life or push yourself forward. If you're totally type A, you might be a tiny bit hard to get along with, not a team player and stress yourself too much.

     Type A Behaviour Pattern or TABP can be divided into two sections. Acheivement or Impatience-Irritation. Acheivement is like, strive for success etc. while Impatience is basically what its called impatience. Its important to have self-equilibrium or self-balance. Too much of anything is unhealthy. These types, I believe, are there to help you note your stress levels, why you are stressed and how to regain some balance. A website you can check out is: to find out more...after you're done reading scroll down and Take the Quiz. <- here is a shortcut.

Ciao, Ciao!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Full Moon!

     I love the moon.  It's so cool, isn't it? People say that more people end up in hospitals during a full moon. I'm not sure if thats true but, in there were two studies done, in Australia and in England. The studies were done to see whether people got more dog bites during the full moon or not. The England study proved that yes, dog bites were more frequent, yet the Australian one proved the opposite. How strange! Oh and guess where the words loony, lunacy and lunatic come from?
     Also the moon controls the tides. I always knew that but I wasn't sure how. Then I looked it up. The Moon and Earth are attracted to eachother like magnets, the Moon is trying to take things away from Earth but the Earth's gravity holds onto them. Although Earth, holds onto most things, it cannot hold onto water, which is always moving, therefore making tides. There are two common tides, Spring tides, which happen during full or new moon and Neap tides which happen the rest of the time. With Spring tides, low tides are very low and high tides very high, they are very strong tides and have nothing to do with the season of spring. Neap tides are very weak and there is not much difference between the high tides and the low tides. 

     Also did you know all the different moons have names? The November moon is the Hunters moon. Cancerians (born June 21-July 22) are known as Moon children. I am proud to say that I am a Moon child! Go me! The July moon is the Hay moon, the September moon is the Harvest moon and so on. Also did you know that only 59% of the moons surface is visible to us here on earth? Did you know that the moon is egg-shaped and pointed towards the earth? Did you know the Moon is moving away from the Earth at a rate of 1.5 inches per year?
     Did you know that there is going to be a full moon on Halloween on Sat Oct 31st 2020? Also there will be a full moon on Fri June 13th  2014. Cool huh?
     The moon is awesome. Think of all the moon-like sayings? Over the moon, once in a blue moon. Did you know the blue moon is actually the second moon in a month? The full moon happens every 29 and a half days, if there are two full moons in one month, the second is called a blue moon. Cool huh? I mean think about all the myths ascociated with the moon?  Lycanthropy or  Werewolves, mermaids.

     The full moon is a magical time, and its coming up Nov 10!

     Ciao, Ciao!

go to: for more info.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Hi!!! I don't know whats going on because...I am not able to comment. Really...I can't comment...ON MY OWN BLOG! Oh well. I'll just say it here. I wanted to thank Kiki for the comment you left. It's kind of cool all the different ways they used to tell time before clocks. I read in my book about a type of clock ccalled a water clock. It would have little holes in it and lines. Judging by the water-level the owners would tell the time. Wierd huh? And of course theres the famous sun dial. Clocks are so cool.

Ciao, Ciao!

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Pyramids of Giza

     My friend told me about them and I got really interested. Why? You may ask. They're just pyramids? Well did you know that the Pyramids of Giza are in the exact middle of the whole worlds land mass? The middle! How cool is that? They were made so long ago that I cant help come? I also found that the three pyramids are an exact copy of the stars in the constellation Orion's belt. The supposed "air shafts" point out toward the constellation. As the pyramid served as a tomb for a king, theory is they were made this way to direct the king towards the heavens. A boat was also found found buried nearby, probably to help the King travel in the Afterlife.
     The Great Pyramid was made by Pharoah Khufu and is the largest pyramid in the world.

     My friend also told me that the formation of the pyramids of Giza (birds eye-view) is the same as a rock formation on Mars. How creepy is that?

     The first picture is that of the craters of Tharsis on Mars.
     The second is that of the pyramids/
     The third is a comparaison of their locations.

     The first picture is that of the constellation Orion's belt, then that of the pyramids and lastly their comparaison.

     Isn't that cool? It may just be a coincedence but...what do you think?

Ciao, ciao!

Thnx to:

     Wikipedia,,, and maybe more.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Did You Know?

Did you know that...

-an ostiches eyeball is bigger than its brain?
-your ear is almost as uniqueas your fingerprint?
-100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens EVERY DAY?
-there are places you need a license to hunt mice?
-in a deck of cards, each king represents a king from history?
-the great barrier reef is the only living thing visible from space?
-you can lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs?
-the smallest river in the world is in Montana, its only 200 ft long! Its called Roe River.
-the water in and around the Great Barrier Reef covers an area jjust slightly smaller than the state of Minnisota
-All polar bears are left-handed
-the biggest snowflake in the world was found in Montana and was 8 in thick and 15 in across
-If you cut a chickens head off, its body keeps moving
-About 300 people are hit by lightning every year in the United States

Well thats all for now...when I find out more random facts...I'll let y'all know!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

hello people

hello people...i tried posting this earlier...and it kid here i am again saying...hello. I have been very busy...very, very, very busy. So here are some pictures i have taken...VOILA!!

Merci pour regarder!!! Thank you for watching!! Gracias!! Dasvidanya!! Grazi!!

Ciao, Ciao!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Funny Harry Potter Photos

Hey there all yeh HP fans...or non HP fans-I don'r judge-here are some funny pictures of...Harry Potter and his friends, enemies and frenemies. REVELIO!

And that is all...I may put some more on later...CIAO CIAO!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Harry Potter movie fiasco.

OMG note to self: come at least an HOUR early for the second part of the last movie in a series. Especially on opening day.

     Okay so heres what happened. On the day Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 came out we had tickets to see the 7:20 show, in 3D. Sounds cool right? Well I knew we had to come early so we did, guess what. THE THEATRE WAS PACKED. Im serious it was packed full. The only seats left were the ones right in front of the screen where you have to crane your heads up to watch. My mom left and got us seats for another showing at 7:50 NOT in 3D. The movie was still good though. I CANT BELIEVE ITS REALLY OVER. I am seriously depressed.

     Anyway after we left the theatre we realised my mom forgot her hat so we wentback. There was a LINE in front of the theatre we had just exited. We slipped in and got the hat. As we came out a lady at the front of the line said: "you know theres a line to go in right?" She said it so snobbishly!! I replied like "Yeah we went to get the hat... I hope I sounded annoyed. Anyway why would you say that to someone lEAVEING the theatre? And why does she care? she's in the front anyway!!

Watch out for random stuff!!

Ciao Ciao/

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Heart to Heart

     Yes lets have a heart to heart chat about all the heart warming heart sayings there are. No seriously, have you ever noticed how many heart sayings there are? Yet none of them have to do with the one in our bodies? Heres one "Heart and soul" ok...can I ask why the heart is ascociated with love now? It has nothing to do with love! It just cleans our blood and sends it to circulate around our bodies! WHERE DOES THE LOVE COME IN? Same with valentines day! And whats up with the shape of a "heart" <3...seriously the real heart looks more like an upside down pear.
     My speculation on this is that...well that since the heart is very much associated with life, like if it stops beating you die, maybe thats why we associate it with love. You know, like "you cant live without love!"

     Oh well, this was just one of the crazy things in the world that stuck out for me...and I'm sure I'll find more.

Watch out for random stuff!
Ciao, Ciao!

Happy Birthday To YOU!!!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear you
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

Now I know you might be thinking..."its not my birthday!" (or you may not be) but guess what? It may be someone elses birthday in the world! So Happy Birthday to whomevers birthday it may be, Happy Birthday!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011



Serene, calm
Quiet, gentle
No guns
No war
This is PEACE

More Poems

     Hi there! Here are some more poems:

Death, Destruction                          
Man on man                                     
Killing, guns                                                                                      
Booms and Bangs
All is lost                                          
Nothing gained                                  
Why do they fight?                            
They fight for pain                                                                                                                                                    

LA LA LAND                                                                            

La la land
A place to call your own
Where  trees are candy
And popsicles are grown
Where the rivers chocolate
And the mountain's gold   
Where people laugh    
And you're never old 
When the skies sing 
With the voices of birds
The lovliest things   
You've ever heard
 Here life is perfect
 Here in la la land                                                                                                                   

Poems, poems and more POEMS!!

     Hi there! I was just sitting around and I randomly came up with these poems...please comment thnx:

            CHEESE                                              CHOCOLATE

Oh cheese, where art thou?                             Oh chocolate,
When you're not in my chow                           Divinest of divine,
When you're not so spiffing                             With a creamy texture
That you leave me sniffing                               More intoxicating than wine
And pining for more...                                    That leaves you wanting more...    


Saturday, June 25, 2011


     As you can tell by the new blog theme I am now obssessed with...yup thats right...chocolate. I recently read a book (which I will not name because it may ruin things for you...hint check book list for the Secret series) which got me interested in chocolate. Not that I wasn't already. Ha ha. So I did some research. Now we all know how chocolate comes from Cocoa beans right? Wrong! Cocoa is actually a mispronunciation of Cacao, and they are not beans but seeds so all in all, chocolate comes from Cacao Seeds. The Aztecs used to make a beverage out of it called Chocolatl or Xocolatl. It used to be only reserved for the rich and powerful. People of "Lower Class" weren't allowed to have any, and if they did (gasp) well lets just say that wouldn't be a good idea.

     The original Seeds have a bitter taste so they must be fermented, to develop the flavour. After that comes the drying, cleaning and roasting, and then the shell is removed to reveal...Cacao nibs. They are then ground to cacao mass, because it is then added to other ingredients it is called chocolate liquer. Milk chocolate is sweet chocolate made with milk powder or condensed milk.

     Also Cacao trees grew in South America so until the 16th century the Europeans hadn't even heard of this tasty treat. It was only after the spanish conquered the Aztecs did they then learn of it. The first solidified chocolate or the first official chocolate bar was invented in 1847 by Joseph Fry and Son.

A Mayan Priest forbids a person to                 Cacao pods.
touch the chocolate.

Thnx to Wikipedia 4 the info.

Ciao, Ciao!

Hey all

Really Hey! Now I know you're thinking "Hey? thats all? A post about...Hey?" or maybe you're do I know I'm not a mind reader!! Or am I? No todays random topic will be...completely random! Big surprise. No I was thinking about zodiac signs. I don't exactly believe they have so much to do with the sky as with simple observations. Most people while writing about zodiac signs write incredibly broad things that seem specific but are not such as: they are quite quiet (see what I did there?) but can also sometimes be quite loud. You see! Now thats only an example...or a representation of my point. Why couldn't they just say...well why did they have to say anything at all? Now I am not saying all websites are like this I'm just saying some are...and trust me I should know...I once went crazy and looked up everything on my zodiac sign! Some sites though are really good! But there are some basics I've found, by basics I mean facts, although I am not going to state them because you may get mad at me...which I do not want. Ok thats all for the random topic today...I'll end tis as it began...Hey!

Friday, June 10, 2011

What I learnt while grocery shopping.

What did I learn? Ok this was a while back but its still fresh in my mind. I was out grocery shopping. I was at the check out counter when I had a sneeze attack. I get those a lot so I sneezed. Into my elbow of course like I've been taught to do. The guy checking out my groceries starts lecturing me on how you should not sneeze in your arm.
     "You see," he said, speaking to me as if I were 2 years old, "All the germs go onto your arm, so when you touch something they go on that too." Ok, whats the liklihood that I'll touch someone with my elbow anyway? His alternetive? Turn around and sneeze! Yeah and let the germs go into the air, where they can go up someones nose and mouth. And then he gets real personal and says..."Canadians have no class" that was the last straw. I muttered something rude under my breath, or in my head, either one and willed him  to HURRY UP! BTW he was probably not canadian as he referred to "canadians" seperately so... actually the only real canadians, like people whos bloodline goes to canada and only canada are probably only the aboriginals. Although they are said to have been from what is now Asia or Africa... whatever thats besides the point. Anyway I never responded to his ranting, I've learnt just let 'em talk. I did give him a "look" though.
Ah well...if you guys learn anything at a grocery store let me know! Grocery stores are very educational places.

Ciao, Ciao!

The jar of Salsa hates me!!

Yes it does. I am not proud to admit it. I tried in vain to open it and alas was unable to. Sad isn't it? My mom taught me a trick on how to open it. didn't work out so well for me. I practically broke my hand trying to open that darn jar. All I wanted was some salsa! What did I do to make the jar hate me so? Ok thats a bit melodramatic does hate me. As if it wanted to taunt me even mom opened it easy-peasy. RIDICULOUS! This is the height of ridiculosity (is that even a word...oh well now it is).

Ciao, Ciao!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


     Synesthaesia...(or at least I think thats how its spelt) what is it? I know it sounds like anaesthesia which is something people use to put you to sleep (actually I mean docters), and maybe to some this may sound like a type of fabric (I know it did to me!) but its actually not.
     Synesthesia is a (I won't say disease) condition. Now its really too complex to just explain it in one sentence, I mean on the websites I checked? The explanation was like 1 million paragraphs long! Ok thats an exaggeration...but you get the point!

     Ok I promise I'll get to the point now...Synesthesia is a condition well I guess you could say its sort of like an umbrella...It has different forms. There are over 60 (one website said 63) types of synesthaesia. There's colour synesthaesia, where certain tastes, sights, smells, numbers etc. have specific colours, like the letter A might be red.
     There's also personification. This type was identified in the late 1800's but wasn't really dwelled upon (don't you love the word dwelled? Its like a dwarf living in a mushroom!). This type means that certain words, numbers, letters, smells, tastes etc. have certain personalities. Like the letter 9 may be a tall dark handsome stranger! (To me personally I always thought of it as a tall girl, probably the oldest in her family (maybe blonde? definately fair-haired,)who enjoys to cook. She is slightly traditional and is dedicated to her family. To me 9 is a pioneer number. Don't even ask what that means...'cause I don't know!)

     There's also a number form, but I didn't really understand how it works.

     Theres also lexical ---> gustatory synesthaesia. Its sort of like when words, sounds (you know the drill) evoke a certain taste. Pretty cool I think, kind of like having a perrsonal restoraunt on your tongue. Ooh...I really feel like having cinnamon, apple and pecan pie. Is there even such a thing?

     One website said that more women have it than men...I don't know if thats true but...

     Some traits are like a mild confusion between left and right, difficulties in arithmatic and sense of direction. Some even have photographic memory...(lucky ducks, that'd make studying for tests a snap!) Also Autism and Epilepsy can occur. I hope not though. Synesthaesia has been so far linked to chromosome 2 which is also linked to autism and epilepsy...Synesthetes are also likely to participate in creative activities.

     Below is a picture used in some synesthaesia tests.

Which would you call "bouba" and which would you call "kiki"?
Most call the second shape bouba because the mouth makes a sort of roundish shape while saying bouba-I don't know why but to me the second shape is just..."bouba" like the first is just "kiki". Not because the first is jagged and tough and K is a tough letter to say, but because it just is. What do you all think?

References: Wikipedia, google images and

Go to if you're interested in different types.

Ciao, Ciao!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Word Rant

     Yes, this is a word rant. More than that its just a bit of information I thought I'd clear up. Misinformation. The term that I'm talking about is..."third world countries." Everyone thinks that this term is used to describe countries that are "poorer." Well the truth is...ITS NOT!! During the cold war, all the countries were asked to pick sides. Russia vs. U.S. , First world vs. Second world. Well, some countries decided they'd be third world countries and not take sides at all (this motion was started by India, which is now also sometimes reffered to as a "third world country"). Those countries should be proud they're third world. They stood for peace. So you see, third world has a completely different meaning from what you hear. If you don't believe me, look it up for yourself!!
     The second term is "developping nations" and "develloped nations" well, quite frankly no nation is developped. Have you looked around lately? Construction everywhere, new buildings, new cars, new this, new that. The world is constantly growing or "developping", so how can you say some countries are "already developped?"

     Well thats all for the word rant today...Ciao!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Where do sayings come from?

Where do they come from? I'm talking about those sayings we use so casually everyday like; In the doghouse, In a jiffy, Easy as pie. Well I decided to find out. Check the bibliography below if you're interested!

In a Jiffy:  A Jiffy is the unit of time it takes for light to travel a centimeter in a vacuum. 0.0000000000033357 seconds. Its quite doubtful that if someone says they'll do something 'in a jiffy' that they'll actually get it done!

In cahoots with: The term Cahoots comes from the frenchh word for cabin ' Cahute' and is first recorded around 1820. American fur trappers on the frontier probably borrowed it from the french trappers there. Trappers living together in a Cahute were usually parteners, leading to the phrase 'in cahoots with'.

In the doghouse: Now for this one I've heard many theories about its origination (is that a word?). I'll tell you the one I heard first. Apparently it originated from Peter Pan as Mrs Darling made Mr Darling sleep in Nana's doghouse when she was displeased with him.

Easy as pie: Well the word 'pie' used to be slang for easy. Easy as easy=easy as pie.

To pull out all the stops: This one apparently came from pipe organs. When you pull out all the stops the sound plays loudly.

In the limelight: Before electricity, lime was used as a source of light in Victorean theatres since the combustion of oxygen and hydrogen on the surface of lime produced a very bright light. Beams of light were used to shine on the stage but not all the stage could be lit up at once so some were in the limelight, others...not so much.

In the nick of time: Even into the 18th century some businessmen kept track of transactions and time by carving notches (nicks) on a tally stick. Someone arriving just before the next nick was carved would arrive in time to save the next day's interest. Therefore being 'in the nick of time'.

Its all fiddlesticks: Back in 1811 "Fiddlesticks end" meant "nothing". The ancient fiddlestick (violin bow) ended in a point hence, metaphorically, used to represent a thing ending in nothing.

Thats all for now folks. Like I said if you're interested in this kind of stuff check the bibliography or just tell me a saying and I'll look it up.


- Sue Thomas F B Eye (the T.V. show, sorry I forget which episode!!)

New Design!!

Hello everybody! I have made my design be a tribute to summer. I love summer (as you can probably tell) and I thought my blog should have a summerish (is that a word?) theme to it! What do you all think? Any other ideas? Let me know!! Ciao!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Billy Elliot the musical

     I recently (Yesterday) went to see the musical Billy Elliot. It was AMAZING!!! Soooo cool! The topic was really inspiring about a boy who wanted to dance, yet it could have easily gotten serious. This amazing show though was chock full of funny humor, slapstick and just...well...FUNNY!
     Favourite parts? Hmmm...thats tough, the whole play was so good. The dances were really something. 

     Favourite characters? Gotta say the Grandma! Hilarious!! Michael was cool too! He was soo funny!

     Favourite quotes? "William Elliot Is Queer?" "It says Esquire!!!!!" Favourite songs? Hmm...also tough, I love the song Happy Christmas Maragaret Thatcher, Solidarity was stuck in my head for a while, also that random song with the dancing clothes. Dont ask...Just watch. The commercials are right..."If you're gonna see a musical this year, make sure its Billy Elliot" I had a blast.

     Another great thing about musicals in general is the food. I had a coconut, chocolate macaroon. Amazing! The whole event was perfect...except for the fact I made a stupid decision to wear shoes I haven't worn in over a year. Now I have blisters...YUCK! Sooo other than that minor problem the whole thing was amazing...YOU MUST WATCH IT!!

     Something also awesome is how talented the performers are. The guy who played Michael was actually an understudy. He was one of the many 'Billy's' kinda cool huh? I mean he knew Billy's lines AND Michaels lines And all the songs AND all the dances. Wow!!! Thats just one example.

     Now to quote one of the common phrases in the play "what'cha doing man?"
What are you doing? You should go see this show! If you already have good for you! TA-TA!!!

Have I mentioned that Elton John is a genius! The music was amazing Music by Elton John...he must be proud.

Cute Pics

I have all these cute and adorable pics I found on the Internet soooo...CHECK 'EM OUT!!!

I know!!! Right now you all are probably sayin' awwwwww cuz I know I am!!! Soooo Cute!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Heads up for THA FUTURE!!

Ok, I know this blog is called 'Once Upon a Time', yet I haven't written any stories on it. Well all that is about to change. I am in the process of writing an amazing story!! Please note, that this is one story I actually will finish! Here's the summary:

     Twelve-year old Lizzy Tamson is on her way across the country, where she knows no one. Her disappointment is cut short though when she discovers a strange key atop a steep hill. All of a sudden this boring town has turned into a place of mystery and adventure. With the help of her new friend Georgie Cahrs she sets off to find the lock to which this key belongs.

So ther you have it...I hope this convinces you to read my new story : The Mystery of the Wooden Key!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

check this out!!!

so i saw this video today and it was soooooooooo cool!!! its called guardian CHECK IT OUT!!

sooo cool and too true!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


If you've read my previous post you'll know all about my aggravation that winter hasn't ended yet...and about Spring vs Winter so now to show Spring i'm rooting for it (no roots pun intended) i will write a poem called SPRING!!


Spring oh spring, what a time
When the flowers bloom and the weathers fine
When the birds sing, and the frogs croak
When the trees wake up: birch, ceder even oak
When splashing in puddles is a fun activity
When a gentle breeze whispers softly
When nights are calm, calmer than days
When everything seems beautiful in so many ways
When picnicing is fun, barbeques too
Hiking and tennis are both fun to do
Spring oh spring, what a time
Whenever I think of it, oh I feel fine!!

              THANKS FOR READING!!

The Groundhog was WRONG!!!!!!

The Groundhog was WRONG!!!!! 

Yup the title pretty much says it all, by "all" i mean my sentiments towards this recent snowfall. The long time belief has been that when the groundhogs come out of their hiberation hole on Feb 2 and see their shadow that means that spring will come soon or that there won't be 6 extra weeks of winter. Well according to sources the groundhog did see its shadow...and as is easily visible by the title he was wrong!!! Also its aldready officially spring...its almost as if "old man winter" waited...and waited...and waited for it to be spring and then...BAM SNOWFALL!!! Nothing against winter or anything...i love snow and winter is quite nice (except for slush...i hate slush!) but really i mean whats the point of making the longest season even longer??? Now i apologise if my information about the groundhog seeing its shadow is incorrect but the feeling is still the radio station worded it..."its winter vs. spring and so far winters winning" (sorry this quote may not be verbatim but you get the idea). This morning was ridiculous!! According to the radio there was a particularily icy patch somewhere on the highway and cars kept spinning out, also about 30-40 cars where trapped in a ditch!! Tow trucks had to be called. Apparently "calls about crashes seemed to be coming every minute!" although not all were serious ones some just crashed into poles or something. Still a crash is a crash. I can't help but think that 2011 is coming out to be one crazy year. What with the crisis in Japan with the earthquake, tsunami and now the nuclear problem at the fukushima plant i feel extremely overwhelmed...i know extra weeks of winter are nowhere as dramatic or dangerous as the happenings in Japan but still i am now double overwhelmed!! I just hope it will really be spring soon i am sooooooo ready to put away my snow boots and parka!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Heist Society: Book review

As you can see i have entered a new phase; the review phase. I have a movie review on Gnomeo and Juliet which you should check out if you've either seen the movie or if you are going to. Although it has a label of SPOILER ALERT i dont think a lot will be spoiled. By the way if you know of any good movie please let me know, thnx!!
Now about this book. Its called Heist Society by Ally Carter author of the famous Ghallager girls series. Its about 15-year old Katarina Bishop or Kat, a girl brought up in a family of...thieves. Yes thieves or con people. Katarina though is not exactly interested in this family "business" so she cons her way into a very academic boarding school. I suppose it just wasn't meant to be when she gets expelled three months later for an offense she didnt commit! She then finds out that her father master thief Bobby Bishop is bieng framed for stealing five paintings from mobster Arturo Taccone. This mobster has given Kat a deadline of two weeks to return the five paintings by threatning to harm her father and later on her friends. Kat must assemble a team of thieves to steal back these paintings and save her father. Will she be able to commit this impossible crime??
     This book is amazing!!! As you can see through my summary its also a very involved book, sort of a different turn from her other books about girls who are spies and catch bad guys. I think its cool that she shows both perspectives in her work, its not often that you see things from a thiefs point of view now is it? I think she has done very well in doing so. In my profile it says i work in the law inforcement industry (not really) thats because i am obbsessed with the show sue thomas f b eye. Well this book has changed my perspective and now made me think WHY thieves do what they do. This is an amazing book, ***** five stars for this book!!!!

Gnomeo and Juliet: Movie Review

I just saw the movie Gnomeo and Juliet in 3D. It was actually really good! I at first wasn't sure about the idea of making an animated version for kids of a classic and tragic tale. I also at first thought it might be sort of slapstick comedy and might get boring but after friends of mine told me it wasn't half bad i went to see it. It was hilarious!!! I didn't think it possible to turn the tragic original into a comedy but it was done!! A question i have is why the gnomes?? I mean, it was really funny and a good idea but how did they get it?? I also like the fact that it has a happy ending so that despite how sad it may appear you leave the theatre with a smile on your face!! It was also cute how they mixed in jokes and funny language in the movie to keep it from getting slightly intense...although I dont think its possible considering this story is about garden gnomes!! This movie is amazing, i'd reccomend it to people who enjoy comedies and animation although after a while you dont see them as gnomes anymore but as actual people. I give this movie ***** five stars!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I recently found a cool new show called: SUE THOMAS F.B.Eye. The title may appear strange "F.B.Eye" but there is a reason behind it.
The main character Sue Thomas is deaf, and has a hearing dog and a unique ability to read lips. This is not just another fictitious show, its based on a true story. 
      Here is a little information about her. She was born May 24 in Boardman Ohio and lost her hearing at a young age to a cause unknown. Her mother worked hard to make sure she led a normal life. As normal a life can be without the ability to hear. She went to a special teacher and learned how to do american and english sign language, speak and read lips; an ability that would later on help her become the first deaf undercover investigater. She loved to skate and at the age of 7 became the youngest Ohio State Champion free-style skater in skating history. Sue graduated from Springfield College in Massachusetts with a degree in Political Science and International Affairs. After a bit of job searching she found out that the F.B.I was looking for deaf people.  Armed with her hearing dog Levi she joined as a "special project" to the mundane task of fingerprinting. She felt she deserved better so she asked to switch, by accident the person she asked was F.B.I. investigater Jack Hogan. He later discovered her talent for lip-reading and got her to work with him and his team. She lip-read incriminating videos that had no sound therefore becoming the F.B.I.'s "secret weapon". She spent four years working for the F.B.I. from 1979-1983. I think this is really cool how she despite the fact she was deaf managed to do so well, she is truly an inspiration. Unfortunately in 2001 she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, yet she doesn't let that get her down! To learn more about this check out her blog: 


Confidence is not an object, it is a state of mind
Objects are things, you can touch them
No, confidence is not an object...but then what is it?
Free your imagination, be proud of yourself
Ingenious minds had their start somewhere
Doubt should never be an option, believe in yourself
Excellence is the door, confidence is the key
Never, eever take away someones confidence to gain some of your own!
Confidence is not an object, it is a state of mind
Everybody should have nice dose of it

                                    BE SMART!BE CONFIDENT!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Everything has its own way
Relax on weekends, work on weekdays
But what if everything was switched around?
The drums no longer made a sound
Chocolate was healthy, and carrots were bad
Your dad was your mom and your mom your dad
You wore hats on your feet
And shoes on your head
You slept on the floor
The dirt was on your bed
You drank food and ate water
Compared to summer winter was hotter
School didn't exist you went about carefree
When you went to the store you didn't have to pay a fee
Dogs ruled the world and we were their pets
Doctors didn't exist neither did vets
But maybe i'd leave things the way they are
And not let my imagination run to far
Because their is a reason for everything
Why leaves fall in fall and plants grow in spring
If everything changed where would we be?
Living in a house or in a tree?

The Flag

A flag is so important
Standing tall and proud
Reminding us of a time
When it was not allowed
Now we wave it reminding
Others of our victory
Certainly a very important
Moment in history
From a flag we can
Learn quite a bit
It reminds us to
Keep about our wit
It reminds us to be proud
Of who we are
We don't need clothes
Or a fancy car
Look beyond
What you see
A flag or a person
have quite a personality
Is a flag shy?
Does it try to blend in?
No it stands out
And represents its kin
Keep a flag as inspiration
A simple symbol
That represents a whole nation






                                                      THNX :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

eat your beans

eat your beans
you better do so
or they'll come in your dreams
strange green vegetables
polluting your mind
they'll sneak up on you from behind
they can come as a monster or a ghost
waiting for you on your fence post
they'll scream and jump and do a jig
they may  even..
turn into a pig
all in all the moral is
to never forget to feed the pigs
(even if they turn out to be beans)

                                EAT YOUR BEANS!!!