Cool Quote

"Along with great power, comes a great need to take a nap!" -Nico Di Angelo (Persy Jackson and the Olympians)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Flag

A flag is so important
Standing tall and proud
Reminding us of a time
When it was not allowed
Now we wave it reminding
Others of our victory
Certainly a very important
Moment in history
From a flag we can
Learn quite a bit
It reminds us to
Keep about our wit
It reminds us to be proud
Of who we are
We don't need clothes
Or a fancy car
Look beyond
What you see
A flag or a person
have quite a personality
Is a flag shy?
Does it try to blend in?
No it stands out
And represents its kin
Keep a flag as inspiration
A simple symbol
That represents a whole nation

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