Cool Quote

"Along with great power, comes a great need to take a nap!" -Nico Di Angelo (Persy Jackson and the Olympians)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Word Rant

     Yes, this is a word rant. More than that its just a bit of information I thought I'd clear up. Misinformation. The term that I'm talking about is..."third world countries." Everyone thinks that this term is used to describe countries that are "poorer." Well the truth is...ITS NOT!! During the cold war, all the countries were asked to pick sides. Russia vs. U.S. , First world vs. Second world. Well, some countries decided they'd be third world countries and not take sides at all (this motion was started by India, which is now also sometimes reffered to as a "third world country"). Those countries should be proud they're third world. They stood for peace. So you see, third world has a completely different meaning from what you hear. If you don't believe me, look it up for yourself!!
     The second term is "developping nations" and "develloped nations" well, quite frankly no nation is developped. Have you looked around lately? Construction everywhere, new buildings, new cars, new this, new that. The world is constantly growing or "developping", so how can you say some countries are "already developped?"

     Well thats all for the word rant today...Ciao!!

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