Cool Quote

"Along with great power, comes a great need to take a nap!" -Nico Di Angelo (Persy Jackson and the Olympians)

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Everything has its own way
Relax on weekends, work on weekdays
But what if everything was switched around?
The drums no longer made a sound
Chocolate was healthy, and carrots were bad
Your dad was your mom and your mom your dad
You wore hats on your feet
And shoes on your head
You slept on the floor
The dirt was on your bed
You drank food and ate water
Compared to summer winter was hotter
School didn't exist you went about carefree
When you went to the store you didn't have to pay a fee
Dogs ruled the world and we were their pets
Doctors didn't exist neither did vets
But maybe i'd leave things the way they are
And not let my imagination run to far
Because their is a reason for everything
Why leaves fall in fall and plants grow in spring
If everything changed where would we be?
Living in a house or in a tree?

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