Cool Quote

"Along with great power, comes a great need to take a nap!" -Nico Di Angelo (Persy Jackson and the Olympians)

Friday, June 10, 2011

What I learnt while grocery shopping.

What did I learn? Ok this was a while back but its still fresh in my mind. I was out grocery shopping. I was at the check out counter when I had a sneeze attack. I get those a lot so I sneezed. Into my elbow of course like I've been taught to do. The guy checking out my groceries starts lecturing me on how you should not sneeze in your arm.
     "You see," he said, speaking to me as if I were 2 years old, "All the germs go onto your arm, so when you touch something they go on that too." Ok, whats the liklihood that I'll touch someone with my elbow anyway? His alternetive? Turn around and sneeze! Yeah and let the germs go into the air, where they can go up someones nose and mouth. And then he gets real personal and says..."Canadians have no class" that was the last straw. I muttered something rude under my breath, or in my head, either one and willed him  to HURRY UP! BTW he was probably not canadian as he referred to "canadians" seperately so... actually the only real canadians, like people whos bloodline goes to canada and only canada are probably only the aboriginals. Although they are said to have been from what is now Asia or Africa... whatever thats besides the point. Anyway I never responded to his ranting, I've learnt just let 'em talk. I did give him a "look" though.
Ah well...if you guys learn anything at a grocery store let me know! Grocery stores are very educational places.

Ciao, Ciao!

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