Cool Quote

"Along with great power, comes a great need to take a nap!" -Nico Di Angelo (Persy Jackson and the Olympians)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Superpower mode!!!

Hey! I just finished re-reading the Percy Jackson series!! WOOT WOOT! Here are my thoughts:

Favourite character: Nico Di Angelo!!!!!!!

Favourite powers: Poseidon! (water!!!!)

Overall series rating: ***** thats five stars!!!! I think its really cool, its humerous, informative...YAY!

I wonder sometimes who my godly parent would be...I say Hermes cuz I like to steal things from my friends...but I always give them back, my concience is WAAAAAY overactive. Maybe Apollo too...I like music, and poetry, my friends say I'm good at rhyming...or maybe Nemesis. I never get revenge on people, BUT I am good at balancing things on top of eachother. I once made a sort of tower out of highlighters, pencils, erasers...etc...

Next part:

THE AVENGERS!! My friends and I took a superhero test to see which one we'd be. I got friends got...well I one friend was 15% the Hulk so we always joke around about that. Then we did the supervillain one...I got Poison Ivy, she'll do anything to save the environment. ANYTHING! OOOOH! How evil! (Note the sarcasm). My friends got the Apocalypse...ever wondered why superhero cartoon photos make their upperbody be all buff and their legs be...well...chicken legs? I have. I was only 40% Poison Ivy, my friend says I'm not evil enough...oh well...

Anyway so we saw the Avengers and it was AWESOME! I want Captain Americas shield!!! And Thors hammer! And Iron Mans outfit! And the Hulks supreme greenness. I want Hawkeyes aim, I want Romonov's skills! YEAH!


This is completely unrelated. My friends and I took a test to see which Harry Potter house we'd be in. One friend got Slytherin. Another got Ravenclaw (she's a hufflepuff on pottermore) and I got...Gryffndor...My theory is this:

The Sorting Hat couldn't make up its mind so it put me in Hufflepuff, I was almost a Gryffindor. Same with my Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff friend.

I LOVE SLYTHERIN TOO! I love all the houses.

Badger pride!!

Ciao, Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. YEEEEEEESSSSSS. I love the Percy Jackson series!!! You finished the Last Olympian or the Son of Neptune one??
    NICO. YES. N I C O. *dies* I have fangirl fantasies about that boy; oooohh I want that for Christmas, mmhmmm. Gaaaccck, I would so be a daughter of Hades.
    Wait. But doesn't that mean it's incest if I try and harass Nico?? Hmmm....
