Cool Quote

"Along with great power, comes a great need to take a nap!" -Nico Di Angelo (Persy Jackson and the Olympians)

Saturday, April 28, 2012


One word: Pottermore. Oh yes. If you are a Harry Potter fan and have not heard of Pottermore (shame on you) I will fill you in. Its this really cool website created by JK Rowling where you can make an account, get a wand and get SORTED!

        I'M A HUFFLEPUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yay! Badger pride! So check it out! If you are still on the fence about it, check out a video of JK Rowling talking abut it on YOUTUBE or POTTERMORE.COM.

Seriously! You get to make potions, have duels, win house points. Its pretty cool!


CIAO, CIAO my fellow muggleborns!

Monday, April 23, 2012


Hey there! So yesterday me and my friend (my friend and I!) went for a MS walk. Whats that you say? Well. Its a long walk to raise money for research on the disease Multiple Sclerosis. I don't really have time right now (its 10:30 at night!) to go in0depth about the illness. I'll just say that its a disease that can leave you in a wheelchair. You should really research it! Maybe Ill put another post tomorrow...ANYWAY! So you could either walk 5K or 10K. My friend and I walked 10K. WOOHOO!

Part two of this post! My tumblr logged me out. I was permenantly logged into my tumblr so I forot my password. I clicked something cuz I was curious about it and BAM! LOGGED OUT! CURIOSITY KILLED THE TUMBLR!!

Boohoo. So YEAH! Go to to find out more about when the MS walks take place.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lorien Legacies-SPOILER

HELLO! I'm sure everyone has seen the movie I Am Number Four. Am I right? Well, so have I and now I'm reading the Lorien Legacy books. I was just on this website that talked about the next book in the series, Rise of Nine. Everyone wrote what they wanted to happen etcetera. Since I don't have an account there Im gonna just write what I want here. Hem Hem...

First of all. I don't get why everyone is hating on Seven! She's perfectly alright! What I want most of all is for all the Garde to reunite. I hate having them all split up. I hope Five and Eight have some really cool stories that would be interesting to read about. I also want to hear from Sam. For some reason he's one of my favourite characters and I hope he's alright. I'm kind of mad at Sarah right now so I want her to be crying in her room. How could she...well do what she did?

I just realised that for all those people who havent read this series, this is gonna be one huge SPOILER post. Im sorry. Ill add SPOILER to the title. Honestly speaking though, I reccomend these books highly. I did kind of skip over some description but only because I just wanted to know what was happening, I wanted to get to the good parts. Thats what Im like sometimes. But I think these books are pretty cool.

I also like that the author immersed themself in the story. I like authors who do that like: Pseudonymous Bosch and Lemony Snickett. I think its cool. So GO PITTACUS and I cannot WAIT for the next book.

Ciao, Ciao!

(and good night!)