Cool Quote

"Along with great power, comes a great need to take a nap!" -Nico Di Angelo (Persy Jackson and the Olympians)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Word Rant

     Yes, this is a word rant. More than that its just a bit of information I thought I'd clear up. Misinformation. The term that I'm talking about is..."third world countries." Everyone thinks that this term is used to describe countries that are "poorer." Well the truth is...ITS NOT!! During the cold war, all the countries were asked to pick sides. Russia vs. U.S. , First world vs. Second world. Well, some countries decided they'd be third world countries and not take sides at all (this motion was started by India, which is now also sometimes reffered to as a "third world country"). Those countries should be proud they're third world. They stood for peace. So you see, third world has a completely different meaning from what you hear. If you don't believe me, look it up for yourself!!
     The second term is "developping nations" and "develloped nations" well, quite frankly no nation is developped. Have you looked around lately? Construction everywhere, new buildings, new cars, new this, new that. The world is constantly growing or "developping", so how can you say some countries are "already developped?"

     Well thats all for the word rant today...Ciao!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Where do sayings come from?

Where do they come from? I'm talking about those sayings we use so casually everyday like; In the doghouse, In a jiffy, Easy as pie. Well I decided to find out. Check the bibliography below if you're interested!

In a Jiffy:  A Jiffy is the unit of time it takes for light to travel a centimeter in a vacuum. 0.0000000000033357 seconds. Its quite doubtful that if someone says they'll do something 'in a jiffy' that they'll actually get it done!

In cahoots with: The term Cahoots comes from the frenchh word for cabin ' Cahute' and is first recorded around 1820. American fur trappers on the frontier probably borrowed it from the french trappers there. Trappers living together in a Cahute were usually parteners, leading to the phrase 'in cahoots with'.

In the doghouse: Now for this one I've heard many theories about its origination (is that a word?). I'll tell you the one I heard first. Apparently it originated from Peter Pan as Mrs Darling made Mr Darling sleep in Nana's doghouse when she was displeased with him.

Easy as pie: Well the word 'pie' used to be slang for easy. Easy as easy=easy as pie.

To pull out all the stops: This one apparently came from pipe organs. When you pull out all the stops the sound plays loudly.

In the limelight: Before electricity, lime was used as a source of light in Victorean theatres since the combustion of oxygen and hydrogen on the surface of lime produced a very bright light. Beams of light were used to shine on the stage but not all the stage could be lit up at once so some were in the limelight, others...not so much.

In the nick of time: Even into the 18th century some businessmen kept track of transactions and time by carving notches (nicks) on a tally stick. Someone arriving just before the next nick was carved would arrive in time to save the next day's interest. Therefore being 'in the nick of time'.

Its all fiddlesticks: Back in 1811 "Fiddlesticks end" meant "nothing". The ancient fiddlestick (violin bow) ended in a point hence, metaphorically, used to represent a thing ending in nothing.

Thats all for now folks. Like I said if you're interested in this kind of stuff check the bibliography or just tell me a saying and I'll look it up.


- Sue Thomas F B Eye (the T.V. show, sorry I forget which episode!!)

New Design!!

Hello everybody! I have made my design be a tribute to summer. I love summer (as you can probably tell) and I thought my blog should have a summerish (is that a word?) theme to it! What do you all think? Any other ideas? Let me know!! Ciao!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Billy Elliot the musical

     I recently (Yesterday) went to see the musical Billy Elliot. It was AMAZING!!! Soooo cool! The topic was really inspiring about a boy who wanted to dance, yet it could have easily gotten serious. This amazing show though was chock full of funny humor, slapstick and just...well...FUNNY!
     Favourite parts? Hmmm...thats tough, the whole play was so good. The dances were really something. 

     Favourite characters? Gotta say the Grandma! Hilarious!! Michael was cool too! He was soo funny!

     Favourite quotes? "William Elliot Is Queer?" "It says Esquire!!!!!" Favourite songs? Hmm...also tough, I love the song Happy Christmas Maragaret Thatcher, Solidarity was stuck in my head for a while, also that random song with the dancing clothes. Dont ask...Just watch. The commercials are right..."If you're gonna see a musical this year, make sure its Billy Elliot" I had a blast.

     Another great thing about musicals in general is the food. I had a coconut, chocolate macaroon. Amazing! The whole event was perfect...except for the fact I made a stupid decision to wear shoes I haven't worn in over a year. Now I have blisters...YUCK! Sooo other than that minor problem the whole thing was amazing...YOU MUST WATCH IT!!

     Something also awesome is how talented the performers are. The guy who played Michael was actually an understudy. He was one of the many 'Billy's' kinda cool huh? I mean he knew Billy's lines AND Michaels lines And all the songs AND all the dances. Wow!!! Thats just one example.

     Now to quote one of the common phrases in the play "what'cha doing man?"
What are you doing? You should go see this show! If you already have good for you! TA-TA!!!

Have I mentioned that Elton John is a genius! The music was amazing Music by Elton John...he must be proud.

Cute Pics

I have all these cute and adorable pics I found on the Internet soooo...CHECK 'EM OUT!!!

I know!!! Right now you all are probably sayin' awwwwww cuz I know I am!!! Soooo Cute!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Heads up for THA FUTURE!!

Ok, I know this blog is called 'Once Upon a Time', yet I haven't written any stories on it. Well all that is about to change. I am in the process of writing an amazing story!! Please note, that this is one story I actually will finish! Here's the summary:

     Twelve-year old Lizzy Tamson is on her way across the country, where she knows no one. Her disappointment is cut short though when she discovers a strange key atop a steep hill. All of a sudden this boring town has turned into a place of mystery and adventure. With the help of her new friend Georgie Cahrs she sets off to find the lock to which this key belongs.

So ther you have it...I hope this convinces you to read my new story : The Mystery of the Wooden Key!!