Cool Quote

"Along with great power, comes a great need to take a nap!" -Nico Di Angelo (Persy Jackson and the Olympians)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Annoying things...

Hello and welcome to...

                                      WHAT ANNOYED ME TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With guest star.........ME!!

Lets begin with the setting...

It all a crowded hallway. We were all walking and I was talking to my friend. Sounds normal right...just the calm before a storm. So my friend was walking a little infront of me because the hallway was crowded. Then this GIRL just walks up and stands in front of me! WTH???? Then she starts talking to my friend. GEEZ that annoys me sooooooooo much when she does that!!! She does that so often! OMG! I'm wound up! So anyway...yeah...SHES SO ANNOYING! Seriously...when she did that I couldn't walk...she was so slow! I was like stepping on her! So I went around (kinda pushed but hey! I was steamed!) to the front. TAKE THAT! Grrr... Oh and...GRADS TOMORROW! EXCITED!


The Last Airbender-comparaison

Hello! Firstly I'd like to say that my last post was a lie. You CANNOT in fact translate my blog. That fact is incredibly annoying! slideshow is gone! Something's up with blogger...Sigh...sadness...

- Ummm...why is Zuko Indian?
- The Northern Water Tribe is NOT ruled by a princess! Her father is alive!
- Why isn't Princess Yue betrothed?
- Aang is not the one who convinces the earthbenders to use their bending! Its Katara!
- Why can't the firebenders produce flame? Why must they have a source of fire?
- Momo has the smallest role EVER!
- Aang had absolutely NO trouble with waterbending in the show! Why in the movie? In the show he was better than Katara!
- Master Pakku is also the army general? (of the northern water tribe!)
-Was there a northern/southern Earth Kingdom in the show?
- Omashu! No Bumi! Maybe in book 2?
- Firelord Ozai isn't even in the first season (book one)!!! Why does he have such a big role?
- How come Firelord Ozai is such a caring father? (By comparaison?) He always keeps tabs on Zuko...
- What happened to the fire throne room? That was cool...
- Why is Sokka...not sarcastic/funny/slightly annoying/hungary all the time?
- Uncle Iroh is...different...not as "proverbial"...not as many proverbs and...weird sayings
- What up with the odd pronunciations?

As an answer to my last question I can say that they are the original the...well...not the show pronunciations...but how they should be pronounced. Still though...Most of the viewers are fans of the show...they have heard and are used to different pronunciations...not these...why change them?

So yeah! Thats about all! CIAO AMIGOS!

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Yay! Its international! You can translate my blog into a different language! How sick is that? WHOOO! I hope it works...I just added that function...well...its probably not called a function...WHATEVER ITS CALLED. Oh yeah...a gadget...Heh...

K then...just though I'd say how phsyched I am about that...YAY!


Yes! It was about time I got hooked onto ANOTHER tv show/boom series/movie/YOU GET THE POINT! Guess what it was? Heres a hint: look at the title. YUP! My new obssession...AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER. Seriously, I watched every episode and am watching it again, and again, and...well ok maybe again. Seriously...IT ROCKS!! So I've been thinking (dangerous, I know)...If Iwas a bender...what would I bend? I took some quizzes is the score...


Fire: III

Water: X

Air: VII

Earth: III

Avatar: II

Warrior (no bending, just supreme battle skills): I

There you have it...Wow...I've taken...26 quizzes. Actually I've taken more but...well...I didn't keep score then...but most where water or air.


The show: LEGEND OF KORRA is pretty sick! Sick as in: TOTALLYAWESOMEOHMYGOSHITSGONNABESOGOOD! I've only seen the first two episodes so far...both in a 'sped up' version. So now I am talking/typing VERY FAST! WOOOOO! K then...I should go...BYEEEEE! WATCH AVATAR...YEAH!

Ciao, Ciao