Cool Quote

"Along with great power, comes a great need to take a nap!" -Nico Di Angelo (Persy Jackson and the Olympians)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Watchin Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince right now...woot woot! OOOH...SPOILER! Im at the part where Slughorn just gave Harry theoriginal memory thanks to Felix Felicis. WHAT'S A HORCRUX? everything falls feel bad for Malfoy though...I wonder what would have happened if Harry had befriended him in his first year. Would he be different? Would Harry be different? What of Hermione? Ron? What of the whole world? Hmm...OH now they're ready for lift off! Woosh!

"You need to shave my friend!" haha. Dumbledore:"I'm an old man!" Harry: "You look the same to me sir."

Other favourite scene:

Hermione: They're saying that Dumbledores know...old.
Harry: What! Thats rubbish he's old is he?
Ron: Like 150...

Sorry the quotes may be wrong...Anyway g2g gonna try to find the channel in HD.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Type A, type B, what type are you?

     I just found about type A and B personalities. If you have a type A personality you are, competitive, hostile, impatient, easlity irritated, aggressive, workaholic, like success. If you're type B you are, more relaxed, laid back, like peace and quiet, more "smell the roses" type of person. While you may catogerize yourself as one of the other, its actually better to be a mix. Say if you're totally type B. You may not hae enough drive, to succeed in life or push yourself forward. If you're totally type A, you might be a tiny bit hard to get along with, not a team player and stress yourself too much.

     Type A Behaviour Pattern or TABP can be divided into two sections. Acheivement or Impatience-Irritation. Acheivement is like, strive for success etc. while Impatience is basically what its called impatience. Its important to have self-equilibrium or self-balance. Too much of anything is unhealthy. These types, I believe, are there to help you note your stress levels, why you are stressed and how to regain some balance. A website you can check out is: to find out more...after you're done reading scroll down and Take the Quiz. <- here is a shortcut.

Ciao, Ciao!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Full Moon!

     I love the moon.  It's so cool, isn't it? People say that more people end up in hospitals during a full moon. I'm not sure if thats true but, in there were two studies done, in Australia and in England. The studies were done to see whether people got more dog bites during the full moon or not. The England study proved that yes, dog bites were more frequent, yet the Australian one proved the opposite. How strange! Oh and guess where the words loony, lunacy and lunatic come from?
     Also the moon controls the tides. I always knew that but I wasn't sure how. Then I looked it up. The Moon and Earth are attracted to eachother like magnets, the Moon is trying to take things away from Earth but the Earth's gravity holds onto them. Although Earth, holds onto most things, it cannot hold onto water, which is always moving, therefore making tides. There are two common tides, Spring tides, which happen during full or new moon and Neap tides which happen the rest of the time. With Spring tides, low tides are very low and high tides very high, they are very strong tides and have nothing to do with the season of spring. Neap tides are very weak and there is not much difference between the high tides and the low tides. 

     Also did you know all the different moons have names? The November moon is the Hunters moon. Cancerians (born June 21-July 22) are known as Moon children. I am proud to say that I am a Moon child! Go me! The July moon is the Hay moon, the September moon is the Harvest moon and so on. Also did you know that only 59% of the moons surface is visible to us here on earth? Did you know that the moon is egg-shaped and pointed towards the earth? Did you know the Moon is moving away from the Earth at a rate of 1.5 inches per year?
     Did you know that there is going to be a full moon on Halloween on Sat Oct 31st 2020? Also there will be a full moon on Fri June 13th  2014. Cool huh?
     The moon is awesome. Think of all the moon-like sayings? Over the moon, once in a blue moon. Did you know the blue moon is actually the second moon in a month? The full moon happens every 29 and a half days, if there are two full moons in one month, the second is called a blue moon. Cool huh? I mean think about all the myths ascociated with the moon?  Lycanthropy or  Werewolves, mermaids.

     The full moon is a magical time, and its coming up Nov 10!

     Ciao, Ciao!

go to: for more info.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Hi!!! I don't know whats going on because...I am not able to comment. Really...I can't comment...ON MY OWN BLOG! Oh well. I'll just say it here. I wanted to thank Kiki for the comment you left. It's kind of cool all the different ways they used to tell time before clocks. I read in my book about a type of clock ccalled a water clock. It would have little holes in it and lines. Judging by the water-level the owners would tell the time. Wierd huh? And of course theres the famous sun dial. Clocks are so cool.

Ciao, Ciao!