Cool Quote

"Along with great power, comes a great need to take a nap!" -Nico Di Angelo (Persy Jackson and the Olympians)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Harry Potter movie fiasco.

OMG note to self: come at least an HOUR early for the second part of the last movie in a series. Especially on opening day.

     Okay so heres what happened. On the day Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 came out we had tickets to see the 7:20 show, in 3D. Sounds cool right? Well I knew we had to come early so we did, guess what. THE THEATRE WAS PACKED. Im serious it was packed full. The only seats left were the ones right in front of the screen where you have to crane your heads up to watch. My mom left and got us seats for another showing at 7:50 NOT in 3D. The movie was still good though. I CANT BELIEVE ITS REALLY OVER. I am seriously depressed.

     Anyway after we left the theatre we realised my mom forgot her hat so we wentback. There was a LINE in front of the theatre we had just exited. We slipped in and got the hat. As we came out a lady at the front of the line said: "you know theres a line to go in right?" She said it so snobbishly!! I replied like "Yeah we went to get the hat... I hope I sounded annoyed. Anyway why would you say that to someone lEAVEING the theatre? And why does she care? she's in the front anyway!!

Watch out for random stuff!!

Ciao Ciao/

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Heart to Heart

     Yes lets have a heart to heart chat about all the heart warming heart sayings there are. No seriously, have you ever noticed how many heart sayings there are? Yet none of them have to do with the one in our bodies? Heres one "Heart and soul" ok...can I ask why the heart is ascociated with love now? It has nothing to do with love! It just cleans our blood and sends it to circulate around our bodies! WHERE DOES THE LOVE COME IN? Same with valentines day! And whats up with the shape of a "heart" <3...seriously the real heart looks more like an upside down pear.
     My speculation on this is that...well that since the heart is very much associated with life, like if it stops beating you die, maybe thats why we associate it with love. You know, like "you cant live without love!"

     Oh well, this was just one of the crazy things in the world that stuck out for me...and I'm sure I'll find more.

Watch out for random stuff!
Ciao, Ciao!

Happy Birthday To YOU!!!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear you
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

Now I know you might be thinking..."its not my birthday!" (or you may not be) but guess what? It may be someone elses birthday in the world! So Happy Birthday to whomevers birthday it may be, Happy Birthday!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011



Serene, calm
Quiet, gentle
No guns
No war
This is PEACE

More Poems

     Hi there! Here are some more poems:

Death, Destruction                          
Man on man                                     
Killing, guns                                                                                      
Booms and Bangs
All is lost                                          
Nothing gained                                  
Why do they fight?                            
They fight for pain                                                                                                                                                    

LA LA LAND                                                                            

La la land
A place to call your own
Where  trees are candy
And popsicles are grown
Where the rivers chocolate
And the mountain's gold   
Where people laugh    
And you're never old 
When the skies sing 
With the voices of birds
The lovliest things   
You've ever heard
 Here life is perfect
 Here in la la land                                                                                                                   

Poems, poems and more POEMS!!

     Hi there! I was just sitting around and I randomly came up with these poems...please comment thnx:

            CHEESE                                              CHOCOLATE

Oh cheese, where art thou?                             Oh chocolate,
When you're not in my chow                           Divinest of divine,
When you're not so spiffing                             With a creamy texture
That you leave me sniffing                               More intoxicating than wine
And pining for more...                                    That leaves you wanting more...