Cool Quote

"Along with great power, comes a great need to take a nap!" -Nico Di Angelo (Persy Jackson and the Olympians)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


If you've read my previous post you'll know all about my aggravation that winter hasn't ended yet...and about Spring vs Winter so now to show Spring i'm rooting for it (no roots pun intended) i will write a poem called SPRING!!


Spring oh spring, what a time
When the flowers bloom and the weathers fine
When the birds sing, and the frogs croak
When the trees wake up: birch, ceder even oak
When splashing in puddles is a fun activity
When a gentle breeze whispers softly
When nights are calm, calmer than days
When everything seems beautiful in so many ways
When picnicing is fun, barbeques too
Hiking and tennis are both fun to do
Spring oh spring, what a time
Whenever I think of it, oh I feel fine!!

              THANKS FOR READING!!

The Groundhog was WRONG!!!!!!

The Groundhog was WRONG!!!!! 

Yup the title pretty much says it all, by "all" i mean my sentiments towards this recent snowfall. The long time belief has been that when the groundhogs come out of their hiberation hole on Feb 2 and see their shadow that means that spring will come soon or that there won't be 6 extra weeks of winter. Well according to sources the groundhog did see its shadow...and as is easily visible by the title he was wrong!!! Also its aldready officially spring...its almost as if "old man winter" waited...and waited...and waited for it to be spring and then...BAM SNOWFALL!!! Nothing against winter or anything...i love snow and winter is quite nice (except for slush...i hate slush!) but really i mean whats the point of making the longest season even longer??? Now i apologise if my information about the groundhog seeing its shadow is incorrect but the feeling is still the radio station worded it..."its winter vs. spring and so far winters winning" (sorry this quote may not be verbatim but you get the idea). This morning was ridiculous!! According to the radio there was a particularily icy patch somewhere on the highway and cars kept spinning out, also about 30-40 cars where trapped in a ditch!! Tow trucks had to be called. Apparently "calls about crashes seemed to be coming every minute!" although not all were serious ones some just crashed into poles or something. Still a crash is a crash. I can't help but think that 2011 is coming out to be one crazy year. What with the crisis in Japan with the earthquake, tsunami and now the nuclear problem at the fukushima plant i feel extremely overwhelmed...i know extra weeks of winter are nowhere as dramatic or dangerous as the happenings in Japan but still i am now double overwhelmed!! I just hope it will really be spring soon i am sooooooo ready to put away my snow boots and parka!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Heist Society: Book review

As you can see i have entered a new phase; the review phase. I have a movie review on Gnomeo and Juliet which you should check out if you've either seen the movie or if you are going to. Although it has a label of SPOILER ALERT i dont think a lot will be spoiled. By the way if you know of any good movie please let me know, thnx!!
Now about this book. Its called Heist Society by Ally Carter author of the famous Ghallager girls series. Its about 15-year old Katarina Bishop or Kat, a girl brought up in a family of...thieves. Yes thieves or con people. Katarina though is not exactly interested in this family "business" so she cons her way into a very academic boarding school. I suppose it just wasn't meant to be when she gets expelled three months later for an offense she didnt commit! She then finds out that her father master thief Bobby Bishop is bieng framed for stealing five paintings from mobster Arturo Taccone. This mobster has given Kat a deadline of two weeks to return the five paintings by threatning to harm her father and later on her friends. Kat must assemble a team of thieves to steal back these paintings and save her father. Will she be able to commit this impossible crime??
     This book is amazing!!! As you can see through my summary its also a very involved book, sort of a different turn from her other books about girls who are spies and catch bad guys. I think its cool that she shows both perspectives in her work, its not often that you see things from a thiefs point of view now is it? I think she has done very well in doing so. In my profile it says i work in the law inforcement industry (not really) thats because i am obbsessed with the show sue thomas f b eye. Well this book has changed my perspective and now made me think WHY thieves do what they do. This is an amazing book, ***** five stars for this book!!!!

Gnomeo and Juliet: Movie Review

I just saw the movie Gnomeo and Juliet in 3D. It was actually really good! I at first wasn't sure about the idea of making an animated version for kids of a classic and tragic tale. I also at first thought it might be sort of slapstick comedy and might get boring but after friends of mine told me it wasn't half bad i went to see it. It was hilarious!!! I didn't think it possible to turn the tragic original into a comedy but it was done!! A question i have is why the gnomes?? I mean, it was really funny and a good idea but how did they get it?? I also like the fact that it has a happy ending so that despite how sad it may appear you leave the theatre with a smile on your face!! It was also cute how they mixed in jokes and funny language in the movie to keep it from getting slightly intense...although I dont think its possible considering this story is about garden gnomes!! This movie is amazing, i'd reccomend it to people who enjoy comedies and animation although after a while you dont see them as gnomes anymore but as actual people. I give this movie ***** five stars!!